English springer spaniels
Welcome to our new website. It has been a long time coming and has been on the 'to do' list for what seems like years. In 2021 we moved from the UK to Croatia - a huge move and a decision based on our need to live somewhere with less people, less traffic and better weather! It has been quite a job renovating the house to make it the best we can for the dogs and also getting used to a totally new show scene. So this section is really about before we came here - our hopes and dreams and where we started. Click on relevant sections for more info :)

Our peasblossom journey
This section relates to the journey we have made with our 'Peasblossom' springers - how we started, what we hoped to achieve and still do! Click here for details and photos.
heulyn years
The Heulyn Years details the period of time when Dave first started out in the breed and shows some of the dogs he bred and exhibited early on. Click here to read about this.

'Summerstone' was my original kennel name and this section covers my own introduction to this wonderful breed. Click here to read a bit more about that.

Click here to see some photos from some of our many wonderful judging appointments.