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English springer spaniels
News Jan - June 2024
Friday 31st May 2024
Time for an update! We took our two youngsters to Samobor in Croatia in the hope of gaining their Junior titles. On the first day, both did indeed win their respective junior classes and Pixie was also BOB. Sadly we were unable to stay for the finals because of our dogs at home not least it was too hot! The second day was more or less a repeat of the first, with Pixie winning Best Junior overall and going on to win the Group 8 Junior final. Some fantastic news came in the form of 'Tuppence', Peasblossom Over The Moon who represented Denmark at the World Dog Dancing Championships held in Denmark and came away with a bronze medal. What a fantastic achievement for a springer. So very proud and happy for owner, Susanne Wheadon. Congratulations to you both!!
Not much in the way of puppy news ... we are currently waiting on both Grettel and Nancy to start their seasons. Not long now before hopefully we will have some puppy news to share! We have decided to repeat the mating of Cooper, so Grettel will again have a date with Rocco. Nancy .. we are still thinking ...!
Monday 29th April 2024
A bit of time to update our news following the World Dog Show held this year in Zagreb, so a local one for us! We have had such a lovely week shared with great friends making the best kind of memories. The first show for us was the International Spring Show judged by Maja Bubalo. We took Rocco and Cooper who won the R.CACIB and Best Junior respectively. At the WDS we took only Cooper, for the opinion of Danish judge, Svend Lovenkjaer (Springcreek). So happy and proud when Cooper won the Junior Class, giving him his first title, JWW'24 :) Some photos of him , shown by Clare Hill shown below.
Sadly though, more bad news in that Anna following a mating to the lovely Titi, was empty :( so more disappointment on the breeding front. However, we have picked ourselves up once again and are starting to put some new plans together. Check out our Planned Litters page for news soon.
Sunday 31st March 2024
Sad news that our beautiful Aoife has lost her puppies following a pyometra. It would have been our last (and only) opportunity to keep something from her but it was not to be. We, of course, are heartbroken. On the positive side, she is recovering from the operation very well and will of course continue to be the sweet and loving girl that she always has been. So more bad luck - it does seem that we cannot catch a break just now particularly where breeding is concerned. Life is really not fair at times .....
Thursday 21st March 2024
More news in that today, Anna has been mated to the lovely Titi, Ch Lordsett Top Gun. He was the sire of Aoife's last litter of three babies, and is a grandson of our dearest Seamus. The puppies were among the nicest we have ever had so we hope to have the same luck but this time with Anna. So, a busy summer ahead for us! More to follow once the pregnancy has been confirmed. Also today, a new page has been added for Cooper, our new baby. Incomplete but more detail to follow soon.
Monday 18th March 2024
The first opportunity for an update! The website, as always, has taken a back seat to home renovations and general living. Together, Dave and I made the trip to Crufts - my first visit in four years in fact! It was so nice to see everyone after so long and we were so, so proud of our dogs. Cooper finished as Best Puppy Dog at only his third show. Rocco was placed VHC in a lovely class of Open males and Pixie 4th in Junior Bitch. Anna was unplaced in a huge Open Bitch class but as always we all take the best dogs homes ;) We spent a lovely time visiting dear friends and that made the whole experience just the best. See below super photo of Rocco at Crufts (thank you Martina!) :)
We are expecting puppies from Aoife early in April and very much looking forward to it. It will be her last litter and we are excited to see what she will produce for us. We used a young male, Xabi (Lordsett Xtra Ordinary) - son to beautiful Lordsett Khaleesi, who is daughter to our Rocco. Thank you to Dabrówka and Kasia for your hospitality. We plan too, to have a litter from Anna so more info to follow shortly on that.

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